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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Honest Scrap Award + Tags + Random thingies

This is also my first time to receive this kind of award. Thanks to Cheysser and Golden for tagging me. *hugs*

So here are the rules:

Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true. Tag ten people with the award, and be sure to let them know they've been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do). Don't forget to link back to the blogger who tagged you.

These are some random things about me:

1. I am an only child and I was a daddy's girl.

2. Pammy is actually a nickname taken from my British name Pam Denton which was given to me when I worked for eBay UK.

3. I love watching crime shows. Criminal Minds is my ultimate favorite since my ultimate dream job is to be a criminal profiler. I usually watch C/S Origin, Fox Crime, NatGeo, and Discovery Channel.

4. I do not know how to ride a bike. I tried when I was younger but when I fell on the muddy part of our garden, I never rode a bike again. When I got to college, some classmates and I went to CCP to bike. Nobody believed that I dunno how to ride a bike until I hit a Mercedes Benz parked along Westin Phil Plaza (I dunno its name now) with the bike that has a sidecar.

5. I really hate men who think they are God's gift to women and women who think they are God's gift to men.

6. I would love to go to Greece and Rome and Warsaw, Poland.

7. I walked out on my boss when I was still with IBM and he chased me from my desk until outside of our building in Eastwood. He threatened me with insubordination, I threatened him with harassment. :P

8. I was banned from a jologs mall for a month, together with a friend, for shouting "BINGO!" in the middle of an ongoing bingo bonanza game being held at that mall. Sirens wailing, hearing people sigh and grunt and groan was really funny until after a staff and a security man approached us.

9. I am such a crybaby. I easily cry. I cry on movies even with Tagalog flicks. I cried when I had a very bad haircut. I cried when our maid damaged a little stitching on my favorite bag. I cried when she made a hole on my new boxers after she washed them. I cry when I see people that i know cry.

10. I still read Archie comics and watch Disney Channel, Totally Spies and Wizards of Waverly Place being my favorites.

I am now tagging these ladies. :)

Sorry, I tagged only 5 people.

Random nonsense thingies...

I am having a hard time using my desktop at work. I got so used to using a touch pad that I find myself swirling my pointee on my desk instead of using the mouse. And last night, I played the technical support role in the office installing stuff and forcing ip addresses and DNS servers and uninstalling and re-installing the network adapter and TCP/IP which is waaay beyond my job description. But it's cool, I miss it.

I couldn't sleep yet because I slept for 10 hours straight yesterday due to the weather, it's cold. So I decided to post some of the pictures I took last night and a few minutes ago.

I just took a picture of the bathtub for no reason at all.

I liked the lighting so I decided to do a little camwhoring inside the office bathroom.


The pictures look eerie. I couldn't get a shot right. But it's because of the lighting and that I was in a hurry to see the pics on my phone. And hopefully not because of ghosts.

I dunno what crossed my mind and made a face like that, like I am scared of something or just saw "something".

If I were to show these photos to paranormal peeps, they might take the white streak as a "presence" of something. Hehe.

Oh well, I gotta hit the sack now. ta! ^_^

Friday, July 17, 2009

nothing but rants

I've been unable to update my blog because I am still adjusting to my schedule. I am always tired and sleepy when I get home so no time for make up thingie. I am basically just going to rant again.

1. GLOBE sucks! I bought a P100 prepaid card and I subscribed to their unlimited texting feature which costs only 20 bucks. When I checked my balance the following morning, it is down to P57! Most of the people I text with are also Globe subcribers so how is it that I lost P23 overnight without texting people from other networks? This isn't the first time such an incident happened. It has been going on for months that I already lost track of how much money I lost. I complained twice already and they sent me the amount I complained for in 24 hours. But do I have to complain each time it happens? Why can't they do anything about it? I am not the only one who complains about it.My mom and friends experience that too and they are getting annoyed. Everytime that happens, I feel cheated on. It's like stealing. Globe, please improve on your service!

2. The weather is crazy! It rains then the following day, it is freaking hot. The next day, it rains again, then gets hot again the next day. I've been sick on and off for weeks now. I hope our weather makes up its mind as to what season we are in right now.

3. I will receive my first pay next month! One whole month of no pay yet. Argh!

4. Why are some men such horndogs? They ask you out for a date and expect intimacy from you after. I am not saying all men are like that. Maybe I've just been dating the wrong guys.

Please bear with me. ^_^

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

back to work

Yesterday was my first day/night at work. I had a not-so-good experience on the first day. The manager called and asked me to come in at 6pm instead of 9pm for the contract signing and there was also an increase on my basic pay so I was there before 6pm. The manager wasn't there. So I was given the contract and I was left to read it on my own and sign it which is fine. The manager came back from either Starbucks or CBTL at around 6:30pm and discussed a few things with me then later on told me to come back before 8pm since the person who will train me will come in at 8 or 9pm. By the way, I was the only one hired for the job. I had nothing to do for an hour and a half so I grabbed a quick dinner at McDonald's which is right across the building and was texting and calling people I know working in Ortigas but everyone was on their way home so I was stuck with myself. Then I came back before 8pm and she still wasn't there. I was asked to read about the company and then I had a stick or two at the balcony while talking to someone on my cellphone, at least to keep me company. She got there by 9pm and I thought they will make me come home by 6am. Good thing I was told I can go home by 3am. 3 hours were wasted doing basically nothing productive at all. I should've been asleep until 7pm but no, I had to leave by 5pm.

The work? Oh boy, I think I have seen lingeries and bras and panties and corsets enough to last me a lifetime! Did you guys know that there are 23 different kinds of bras?!!! When I was told about it, I was like, "You gotta be kidding me?!". But the products are nice and I actually like a few. I can avail of the 50% discount. But they are quite expensive, some reaching almost $80. But then here's abnother shocker for me. Some cup sizes reach 44H???!!! or maybe even higher?! When I saw those sizes, I couldn't help but look down on my chest and feel like my boobs are flat when I am beside those boobs. ^_^

Work again tonight. More bras to see.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mini Update

I am going to work again. I'll be on a fixed graveyard shift since it caters to UK, Australia, USA, and Canada peeps with weekends off. The company has a line of women's intimate apparel and employees get 50% discount. Coolness! It is like a small in-house call center doing back office stuff so work is not really toxic. I feel lucky because out of a hundred applicants, they only hired two and moi is one of those 2. Weee! Since it is mainly admin stuff, I won't risk losing my voice. I had Reinke's Edema which is the swelling of the vocal cords so I cannot work at a call center taking calls. The environment is not like that of the usual call center. Very laid back from what I observed and no EOP (English Only Policy) and cellphones are allowed with your bags. Plus we can wear comfy clothes, no need to dress up for work. It has a small office and there are only less than 20 employees so I am excited. My no-buy mode is officially over as soon as I get my first paycheck. Wish me luck! :P

EDIT: I already broke my no-buy mode! I remember buying the Ellana cheek tint and now I joined the ELF pooled orders. I'm definitely getting more from their Studio Line. ^_^ Read more...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Product Comparison: NARS Orgasm and ELF Studio Contouring Blush and Bronzer

I compared the ELF Studio Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder to the NARS Orgasm/Laguna Duo. Though I never really have that duo, a lot of people are comparing both and saying that the ELF Studio duo is the cheaper version of the NARS duo in terms of price. So since I have NARS Orgasm, I decided to compare both blushes. I took some pictures and a few swatches.

NARS look smaller but it contains more product than both the ELF blush and bronzer combined. Orgasm has 4.5g of product while ELF has 4g. But it's not bad considering that there are 2 different products on ELF. Both look so preeety! ^_^

See the striking resemblance? Both look so similar except for the fact that NARS has more shimmer in it than ELF and ELF is a tad lighter than Orgasm. That is why I thought it looked more NARS Deepthroat-ish for me.

A couple of swatch shots:

Left- ELF
Right- NARS

I dunno if you can see it clearly at your end due to the poor quality of the photos but they pretty much look similar, only Orgasm is more shimmery.

So what's the verdict?

Both blushes have good quality. It's just that NARS has a better reputation than ELF. And the ELF Studio line is pretty new and has to prove itself yet when it comes to quality. It has a lot of catching up to do since their products have a pretty bad rep. ELF Glow is a little more similar to NARS O though the quality of the blush on their duo is waaay better than ELF Glow. Plus it lasts longer. NARS scored a few points over the ELF Studio blush when it comes to staying power. But when applied on the cheeks, you can barely tell the difference between O and the ELF blush. I had compliments when I'm wearing the ELF duo as well. The ELF blush may not be as finely milled as NARS but the quality of the blush is really good. It's a tie for me when it comes to pigmentation. Both are really pigmented and I have to use a light hand when I apply them to avoid having clown cheeks. Both compacts look very sleek. Only difference is that NARS is sort of rubberized and ELF isn't. The biggest factor and difference is the PRICE. NARS blushes sell at $25 (if I remember it right) whereas ELF sells the duo for $3, $1.50 when they are on sale. The only thing I don't like about the ELF duo is that the bronzer is kinda powdery. I just dab my brush on the bronzer and since it's a little powdery, product gets wasted.

It's hard to choose between the two and since it's difficult for me to decide which wins, I am just going to purchase both when I ran out of them. Isn't that a better solution? If you can't pick one, just get both. ^_^ Only the ELF Studio line is not yet available here in the Philippines but according to some girltalkers, some ELF counters carry Studio line products but those are limited and easily get out of stock. If you are on a budget and want a good quality blush/bronzer duo like NARS, you can get away with the ELF duo. But if you want something high end and you are a NARS loyalist and would like to spend your moolah, go get your NARS duo.

OT Rant: Weather's crazy! I wake up feeling hot and kinda humid in the morning but after noon, it rains and gets cold in the evening. Now I've been sick on and off again. The weather has gone nuts.

Another OT Rant:

Why is it so hard to quit smoking? Been puffing on cancer sticks for years now. I tried to quit when I was in and out of the ER due to asthma and yes, I can control myself from smoking for a few days but I somehow end up puffing again.

I am forever cursed to use Seretide which is an anti-asthma med.

Dunhill is just so suave and smooth. Oh, those aren't my fingers, those are my friend's.

And this is just a perfect combination. Argh! I can't have coffee without cancer sticks.

And this too? Sorry for the tissue eewie thingie on the table.

I know I can quit smoking. From more than one pack a day, it's now down to 3-5 sticks each day. An ex once asked me when I am going to quit smoking and I told him I will when I get pregnant. And he said he will get me and that freaked me out and hid from him for like 2 weeks.

I can quit but why is it so hard and difficult?! The craving and the urge ain't as strong as it was before but I still feel the need to smoke. My dad died of cancer due to being a heavy drinker and chain smoker and am I following his footsteps? Jeez! I can do it. Soon enough. But it's really really hard.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life is Short. Have an Affair.... wtf?!!!

My mom was watching the Tyra Banks show a couple of days ago. This might be too late as I don't know how updated ETC is on the Tyra Show episodes. I wasn't paying much attention on the show when I heard that the topic is about a website that serves as a cheating site for married people who would like to have an affair. I thought it was ridiculous! How can someone, in the right state of mind, encourage and even help people cheat on their spouses! 2 clients showed their faces on national tv and even admitted on chating on their spouses. First woman, she admitted to her husband on tv that she has been cheating on him, with the help of the website. The poor man cried his heart out. And when he asked what he canm possibly do to make their marriage work, she gave selfish reasons, in my honest opinion. I lost track of how many times she used the word "I". They don't have sex as much as they did before but is that enough reason for one woman to cheat on her husband? What happened to respect? For the father of her kids, their kids, and to herself? Fine, sexual compatibility, I believe, is one big factor to have a successful marriage but why cheat? I don't think there will ever be a valid excuse to cheat. Nothing can ever justify such a mean act. And to see that man cry just broke my heart. I have been cheated on and I know how it feels. It sucks! Big time! The only two words I uttered upon seeing and hearing what she had to say was, "selfish b!t*h!". I may not really know the true story or what really transpired between those guests but her reasons are simply BS for me.

The second guest is another woman who claimed that the cheating website ruined her marriage but saved her life. And what shocked me the most is that she slept with 150 different men in a short span of 6 months!!! She is on her early 40's, fyi. She learned more about her sexual side but like that? C'mon! And the constant guy she has been seeing is also an attached man. When she told him the number of guys she had slept with, he said OMG then kissed her on tv because he was so turned on. And how the heck will the possibility of getting AIDS from sleeping with over a hundred men save your life? That is rubbish!

Why cheat when you can talk it over? Settle your differences. I'm no relationship expert but this is just so wrong. They do have divorce anyway so why hurt your spouse and children? What if one day, a man approaches one of the kids and say, "Hey there, I screwed your mom." Did those two women ever thought of that and how it could possibly affect their kids? And most of all, what kind of values does that man behind that darn website have? What was he thinking? He even said that he would talk to those clients and try to make sure that they know what they are about to get into. Still doesn't make it right. He is a millionaire because of his website but as to the kind of morals that man have beats the sh*t out of me.

Sorry for the rant. I just can't help it. By the way, the website I'm talking about is ashleymadison but it cannot be accessed outside of the United States, I think, so there's no point in linking it here.

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