Been MIA for a few days now. A few minutes after I made the "That's it!" post, water started coming in to the first floor of our house. It was something I never imagined would happen to us. That was the very first time we experienced that. Water rose in just a few minutes. We did our best to save stuff but the current was just too strong. We live in a big compound with 3 houses. We are all relatives. And ours is the only house with a second floor. So everyone started coming and bringing stuff with them. There are only 2 rooms on the second floor and it housed 4 families. One family is from San Mateo who pretty much lost everything. My kuya's (cousin) family was trapped on the second floor of their house and 2 cars went under water. While saving stuff, I even fell down the stairs because there was no electricity and I hit my head so hard it bounced back, So I ended up having a big bump on my head and a big bruise on my hip. It was a complete disaster as we relied on a few canned goods we were able to save for almost 3 days. The only time it sank in to me was when we were sorting stuff and realized I had to throw some things that belonged to my dad, mostly older than I am. I really felt bad because those are some things that reminds me of him and now I had to let go of some of the. It was a traumatizing experience in a sense that there was almost nothing to eat and we couldn't go out and buy food because the cars won't start and every store was closed and everyone's hungry. What made it even harder is having the kids tell us how hungry they were and we couldn't give them anything to eat. We are just thinking how lucky we still are because we never really lost our home. We lost part of it but we still have each other in the end. On my way to the office last night, I saw some parts of Marikina and I couldn't keep the tears from falling because it wasn't the Marikina I knew. It looked like a ghost town. We are basically natives of Marikina and seeing how devastated the place was was really hard for me. One more thing, I still have relatives in Vista Verde, Cainta who are still trapped on their roof. Lost their dogs, though. At least they are still alive. There was a speculation that a dam in Montalban, Rizal released water without warning, thus, causing the disaster. It would be hard to explain how the water rose very fast. Of course they would deny it if there is any truth to it because they will be held responsible for all the lives lost due to their stupidity. Here are some pictures I was able to take. I was supposed to take a picture of the bus moving with the water. That's how strong the current was but I was a little too late for that.

The Aftermath (kitchen)

I finally resigned!!! Can you believe they still asked me to report to work last night even though they knew about what happened to us. Heartless! When I got to the office, someone told me that they saw a memo being prepared for me. They are planning to terminate me so we knew I had to beat them to that. With the help of someone, she printed my resignation letter and that is effective immediately. I stated inadequate training and unhealthy employer-employee relationship as reasons. I was more specific on the latter when I explained that it was unhealthy in a sense that it is so unprofessional to scheme and connive behind an employee's back. They accepted my resignation and I got my check. Before that, I had to let the seatmate know what I had in mind, I wasn't talking to her but to the other two but I made it clear how happy I was to finally put an end to all their bullshit. I thought it was over. They, too, thought it was over. When I was about to leave, together with the other girls who are going to take their breaks, I said goodbye and the boss even had the guts to say "Bye! Take care!" in a nice way. So plastic. I was on the door and I answered back, "Yeah, I will. And I hope no one will bitch-slap me behind my back again." and went straight out. I heard her calling my name and it seemed like she was going to confront me. But I'm so tired of the drama that I ran towards the stairs and went down as fast as I could so she won't catch up on me. Can you believe I took the stairs from the 9th floor all the way down to the ground floor? When the security men saw me, they asked why I had to take the stairs and I simply told them I was exercising. :P When I got out, I saw the girls there, without the boss. They were all smiles and they told me that the boss came down with them but at the last minute decided to just go back up. Maybe she chickened out. Hehe. I don't like humiliating anyone but as for that moment, I knew how I humiliated her in front of her subordinates with my one-liner. And I don't feel guilty at all. She deserved it. It was like endorphin rush for me. My knees were shaking from both the walking and the excitement. They had to go back to the office and I had to go. So that's finally the end of my appearance at my own hell's kitchen. :P I am so happy, girls. Freedom from stress, bullshit, and the loads of crap they have given me. I'm sure there's something better in store for me. Thank you for being supportive. Mwah! :P
Thiamere and Gracie
Unfortunately, the packages for you were lying on the couch at the sala and yeah, there was water inside the pouches. Even though they were bubble-wrapped, I had to open each and every single blush and lightly stroke them with a small brush to see if they were damaged and thank God they weren't. So please don't be surprised if the seals are broken.